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Entrepreneurship in the Welfare State. Summary and Conclusions

Jakobsson, Ulf (Ed.) (1998). Entrepreneurship in the Welfare State. Summary and Conclusions. Stockholm: SNS Förlag.

Ulf Jakobsson

Global changes and new technologies are in the process of changing the foundations on which society is based.

How does the process of globalisation affect business enterprise and economic policy? Human capital is becoming increasingly important, but why is the diffusion of knowledge from high tech multinationals to smaller companies that serve the domestic market proving to be so difficult? What is the role of the educational system in improving the competence of the labour force? And can knowledge be converted into business ideas and improved productivity? New companies and entrepreneurship are becoming increasingly important, but how do we create a virtuous circle for entrepreneurship and what ground rules are required to support entrepreneurship. The private service sector would appear to be the sector with the greatest potential for increasing employment in the future, but how are we going to replace do-it-yourself with market services? And how will it be possible to combine lower taxes and higher welfare?

The central task of economic policy is to find a strategy for economic growth that is able to meet the challenge of global change. An outline strategy is presented in this report.