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Building Bridges and Challenging Conventions: IFN 1939–2020

Johnson, Anders and Elisabeth Precht (2020). Building Bridges and Challenging Conventions: IFN 1939–2020. Stockholm: Samhällsförlaget.

Anders Johnson, Elisabeth Precht

The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, IFN) was founded in 1939. It grew into Sweden’s largest institute for applied economic research on issues relevant to trade and industry, and was for a long time the country’s only such institution. Many studies have also addressed issues in economic history and geography, business, finance, sociology, and engineering.

The institute has two important functions: first, to promote greater diversity in Swedish social science research, challenge conventional wisdom, and offer alternative perspectives on the economy; and, second, to build bridges between academia and industry.

Initially, the institute was named the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research (Industriens Utredningsinstitut, IUI). The English name was changed to the Research Institute of Industrial Economics in 1997, and in 2006 the Swedish name was changed to IFN (Institutet för Näringslivsforskning) to better reflect the character and breadth of its activities. During the following years the institute was rebranded in both form and content.