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Commercialization of Swedish Patents

Sweden is at the top of the world ranking of research and development, approved patents, and publications in research journals. But we do not have that many small, swiftly growing technology-based firms. The commercialization of intellectual capital is relatively slow in Sweden as compared to other countries.

Project manager
Roger Svensson

+46 (0)8 665 4549
+46 (0)70 491 0166

This project aims to empirically analyze the commercialization process of intellectual capital in Sweden by following patents. Four research questions are analyzed:

  • Why or why not patents are commercialized;
    What determines the choice of type of commercialization (selling, licensing, or commercializing in existing or new firms);
    Factors that affect the outcome of the commercialization;
    The reasons why patents are renewed or expired.

There is a special focus on the role of public financing systems and business angles. A unique database on Swedish patents owned by inventors and small firms is used. The database builds on a survey with a response frequency of 80 per cent.