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International conference about electricity markets

13 June 2014

I have come to find out what others are working on and to get feedback on my own work, said Frank A. Wolak, Stanford University when asked about IFN's annual international research conference held in Vaxholm. On an annual basis a group of international scholars are invited to join researchers from IFN to discuss their own and others' research. The theme of the conference this year (June 12-13) was "The Performance of Electricity Markets." Researchers from eight countries participated in the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

– Many interesting papers have been presented. Especially Thomas Tangerås study ["Forward market integration"] looks promising. Ewa Lazarczyks paper ["Private and public information on the Nordic intra-day electricity market"] is also interesting. I think you can get useful things out of her data, said Frank Wolak, adding that he is since a number of years cooperating with IFN and Thomas Tangerås, as head of the research program for the economy of the electricity market. Several researchers working with this program at IFN have visited Stanford and Frank Wolaks energy research program: Energy and Sustainable Development. "It's an ongoing collaboration," Wolak explained.

Also Nils-Henrik von der Fehr, University of Oslo, is testifies to a continuous exchange with IFN:

– We have not had any formal cooperation, but I have visited IFN and we exchange articles and read each other's work.

Nils-Henrik von der Fehr states that he has come to the Vaxholm conference because the topic is precisely his specialty in research. And besides this, he adds, the conference is "wonderfully organized”. He points to an interesting study presented by Frank Wolak on the first day – “Using information to improvement the effectiveness of nonlinear pricing: Evidence from a field experiment". He also highlights a study by Matti Liski from Aalto University – " Not so myopic consumers: Evidence on capitalization of energy technologies in a housing market ". But, said von der Fehr, since we all are specialists in this field of research no big news is revealed at a conference like this, though I learn important "little things".

Frank Wolak (to the right) and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr during the first day of the conference,

Further reading about the conference