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Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets

Wage Policies and the Integration of Immigrants

Ek, Simon och Per Skedinger (2019). ”Wage Policies and the Integration of Immigrants”. I Lars Calmfors och Nora Sánchez Gassen (red.), Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets (187–209). Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.

Simon Ek, Per Skedinger

Lars Calmfors, Nora Sánchez Gassen

Most Nordic countries struggle with the integration of low-skilled immigrants. Relying on research from primarily the Nordics, we discuss to what extent minimum wage reductions can improve labour market prospects for immigrants, whether unskilled and low-pay jobs serve as stepping stones to more qualified and higher-paid jobs and how wages of incumbent workers would be affected by lower minimum wages. We argue that targeted minimum wage reductions aimed at new, previously non-existing jobs and increased differentiation of minimum wages according to experience provide an appropriate balance between the conflicting goals of high employment and low wage inequality.

Per Skedinger

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