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Latest news
23 November 2021

More people are wealthy today

Daniel Waldenström, IFN, presents new research on wealth and inequality in a column in Vox EU. Currently, the column is the most-read piece on Vox EU.

18 November 2021

How can Sweden attract foreign enterprises?

Foreign companies' interest in establishing themselves in Sweden seems to have diminished since the financial crisis, and it is worrying, said Fredrik Sjöholm, CEO of IFN, when he participated in the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum's launch of the report Swedish Perspectives on Industrial Policy, the Washington Consensus and Beyond.

10 November 2021

Sustainable Entrepreneurhsip of great interest to readers

How should the EU act to create more sustainable entrepreneurship? That is the main question in the book The Entrepreneurial Society: A Reform Strategy for the European Union, written by Niklas Elert and Magnus Henrekson, IFN, and Mark Sanders, Utrecht University. The authors are proposing reforms in six different areas to create more sustainable entrepreneurship in the EU.

16 August 2021

A first glimpse into research

Game theory models to explain acquisitions, measures of automation, and a greenness index. These are three areas that this year’s summer assistants at IFN have worked with and that have given them new insights on economic research to take with them to further studies during the fall.

9 August 2021

Özge Öner awarded the Ashby Prize

Özge Öner, IFN and University of Cambridge, and her co-author Maria Abreu, University of Cambridge, are awarded the Ashby Prize for their paper "Disentangling the Brexit vote: The role of economic, social and cultural contexts in explaining the UK's EU referendum vote".


7 July 2021

New book on Bitcoin

Bitcoin is neither money, a financial asset nor digital gold. Instead, it should be seen as an open Ponzi scheme, argue Roger Svensson, IFN , and Bob Seeman, the authors of the new book Bitcoin: Unlicensed Gambling.

11 May 2021

Renewing IFN

Digitization, migration, and the Covid crisis have brought on a rapid change in the Swedish business sector. To better respond to the need for high-quality analysis of the various factors relevant to the function of the business sector, IFN is developing two of its research programs.

5 May 2021

Nomination for Antitrust Writing Awards

IFN researcher Henrik Horn's paper  ”International Jurisdiction over Standard-Essential Patents” is nominated for the Antitrust Writing Awards 2021.  The Award is issued by Concurrence and George Washington University. The paper is nominated within the category Intellectual Property and is one of ten nominated papers.

6 April 2021

Privatizing Welfare Services reviewed

The new book Privatizing Welfare Services: Lessons from the Swedish Experiment, by IFN researchers Mårten Blix and Henrik Jordahl, is reviewed by professor Diane Coyle in her blog The Enlightened Economist.

12 March 2021

Increased Research Output

IFN's research output has increased greatly compared to the early 2000s. In 2020 87 journal articles and book chapters were published in IFN’s digital reprint series. That is the highest number in a single year in the institute’s history.

10 February 2021

The EU and the Technology Shift

The technology shift is posing several challenges to the EU. The new book The European Union and the Technology Shift is exploring these challenges from an economic, judicial, and political point of view.

26 January 2021

IFN researchers on firm R&D investment

Matilda Orth, IFN, and Florin Maican, affiliated to the IFN, have written a column on the dynamic impact of exporting on firm R&D investment in Vox EU. Together with their co-authors Mark Roberts, Pennsylvania State University, and Van Anh Vuong, Maastricht University, they use a structural framework to estimate the returns to innovation investments and analyze the impact of trade of those returns.

One of their conclusions is that the long payoff to R&D investment is higher for firms that are active and operate more intensively in export markets.


Read their column here

2 November 2020

Fredrik Sjöholm new CEO of the IFN

Today Fredrik Sjöholm starts his new position as CEO of IFN. He succeeds Magnus Henrekson, who has been the CEO for the past 15 years. Fredrik Sjöholm is recruited from Lund University, where he held a position as a Professor of International Economics.