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The European Union and the Technology Shift

This book explores the multiple challenges that the global technology shift is posing to the EU. It raises the question of how European societies will mobilize the positive effects of the rapid techno…
by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Karin Leijon, Anna Michalski, Lars Oxelheim

Privatizing Welfare Services

Lessons from the Swedish experiment
Focusing on health care, education, and elderly care, Privatizing Welfare Services draws on extensive research on the consequences of introducing market-based mechanisms to deliver welfare services.

IZA World of Labor

Public Sector Outsourcing

The decision to outsource public provision of services is multifaceted and context dependent. Doing so tends to lower labor intensity and increase its efficiency. Costs are usually lower, but quality…
Journal Article
by Panu Poutvaara, Henrik Jordahl
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Journal of Finance

Local Crowding‐Out in China

In China, between 2006 and 2013, local public debt crowded out the investment of private firms by tightening their funding constraints while leaving state-owned firms’ investment unaffected. We establis…
Journal Article
by Yi Huang, Marco Pagano, Ugo Panizza

Journal of Finance

Stock Market Returns and Consumption

This paper employs Swedish data on households' stock holdings to investigate how consumption responds to changes in stock market returns. We instrument the actual capital gains and dividend payments w…
Journal Article
by Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani, Kaveh Majlesi
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Working Paper No. 1364

Peers, Gender, and Long-Term Depression

This study investigates whether exposure to peer depression in adolescence affects own depression in adulthood. We find a significant long-term depression peer effect for females but not for males in…
Working Paper
by Corrado Giulietti, Michael Vlassopoulos, Yves Zenou
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Working Paper No. 1363

The Value of Information in Technology Adoption

We develop a theoretical model in which technology adoption decisions are based on the information received from others about the quality of a new technology and on their risk attitudes. We test…
Working Paper
by Asad Islam, Philip Ushchev, Yves Zenou, Xin Zhang
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Working Paper No. 1358

Robust Inference in Risk Elicitation Tasks

Recent experimental evidence suggests that noisy behavior correlates strongly with personal characteristics. Since decision noise leads to bias in most elicitation tasks, there is a risk of falsely in…
Working Paper
by Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
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RAND Journal of Economics

Word–of–Mouth Communication and Search

We develop a word‐of‐mouth search model where information flows from the old to the new generation for an experience good with unknown quality. We study the features of the social network that determi…
Journal Article
by Arthur Campbell, C. Matthew Leister, Yves Zenou

Applied Economics Letters

Gender Grading Bias in Junior High School Mathematics

Admission to high school in Sweden is based on the final grades from junior high. This article compares students’ final mathematics grade with new data from a high school introductory test score in math…
Journal Article
by Petter Berg, Ola Palmgren, Björn Tyrefors

Global Policy Brief No. 3

COVID-19 and the Consequences for Free Trade

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted global trade, investment and value chains. There is a risk that newly imposed barriers to international trade and mobility will become permanent. Re…
Popular Science
by Ewa Björling, Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, Magnus Lodefalk, Fredrik Sjöholm
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Working Paper No. 1340

The Individual Welfare Costs of Stay-at-Home Policies

This paper reports the results of a choice experiment designed to estimate the private welfare costs of stay-at-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is conducted on a large and repres…
Working Paper
by Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Fredrik Carlsson, Florian Schneider, Erik Wengström
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