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Working Paper No. 1431

Innovation Begets Innovation and Concentration: The Case of Upstream Oil & Gas in the North Sea

Working Paper
Janssen, Aljoscha (2022). “Innovation Begets Innovation and Concentration: The Case of Upstream Oil & Gas in the North Sea”. IFN Working Paper No. 1431. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).

Aljoscha Janssen

We investigate the effect of technology adoption on competition by leveraging a
unique dataset on production, costs, and asset characteristics for North Sea upstream oil & gas companies. Relying on heterogeneity in the geological suitability of fields and a landmark decision of the Norwegian Supreme Court that increased the returns of capital investment in Norway relative to the UK, we show that technology adoption increases market concentration. Firms with prior technology-specific know-how specialize more in fields suitable for the same technology but also invest more in high-risk-high-return fields (e.g., ultra-deep recovery), diversifying their technology portfolio and ultimately gaining larger shares of the North Sea market. Our analyses illustrate how technology adoption can lead to market concentration both directly through specialization and indirectly via experimentation.