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Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2023

Swedish researcher receives world-leading entrepreneurship award!

29 May
Operaterrassen, Stockholm

Since its inception in 1996 the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research has become firmly established as the foremost global award for research on entrepreneurship. This Prize is awarded annually and it consists of the statuette “The Hand of God”, created by Swedish Sculptor Carl Milles, and a Prize sum of 100,000 euros.

This year's award goes to Per Davidsson, Professor at Jönköping International Business School and the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research, QUT Business School.

Davidsson receives the award, a prize money of 100,000 euros, for his pioneering and influential research and networking in the field of entrepreneurship, which has strengthened, broadened and developed entrepreneurship as a research field.

Welcome to the award ceremony at Operaterassen on May 29!

The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research will be presented at a public award ceremony at Operaterrassen in Stockholm on May 29 at 16.00, to which we warmly welcome interested parties.

Read more.

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