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Artiklar på engelska / Journal Articles

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Canadian Journal of Economics

Globalization, Recruitments, and Job Mobility

Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan företags exportintensitet och vilka rekryteringsstrategier som företagen använder sig av. Vi finner att exportintensiva företag i högre utsträckning anställer…
av Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm, Susan Chun Zhu

The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy

The Dynamics of Offshoring and Institutions

Previous research has found that weak institutions can hamper investment and alter patterns of trade. However, little is known about the impact of institutional quality on offshoring. This lack of kno…
av Fredrik Heyman, Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall

Applied Economics

Microdata Evidence on Rent–Sharing

We examine the effect of firm profits on wages for individual workers while focusing on the empirical complications associated with estimating the extent of rent-sharing. Controlling for worker and fi…
av Mahmood Arai, Fredrik Heyman

Journal of Labor Research

How Wage Compression Affects Job Turnover

I use Swedish establishment-level panel data to test the hypothesis of Bertola and Rogerson (Eur Econ Rev 41:1147–1171 1997) of a positive relation between the degree of wage compression and job reall…