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Artiklar och bokkapitel på engelska

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Münzstätten, Münzprägung und Münzwege des Mittelalters im Hessen: Ergebnisse der Tagung Frankfurt und Hessen im monetären mittelalterlichen Transit

Periodic Recoinage and Economic Development in Medieval Hessen

A common coinage policy in the Middle Ages was ‘periodic recoinage’. Old coins were declared invalid and had to be exchanged for new ones at specified exchange rates and dates. This convention was a t…

RAND Journal of Economics

Word–of–Mouth Communication and Search

We develop a word‐of‐mouth search model where information flows from the old to the new generation for an experience good with unknown quality. We study the features of the social network that determi…
av Arthur Campbell, C. Matthew Leister, Yves Zenou