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Corporate Foreign Exchange Risk Management

Jankensgård, Håkan, Alf Alviniussen och Lars Oxelheim (2020). Corporate Foreign Exchange Risk Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Håkan Jankensgård, Alf Alviniussen, Lars Oxelheim

Virtually any organisation active in the global economy is impacted by fluctuations in foreign exchange (FX or ForEx) markets. Managers need to understand this increasingly complex issue and measure their firm’s exposure to risk. Corporate Foreign Exchange Risk Management is an in-depth yet accessible guide on effective ForEx exposure management. Designed for professionals responsible for managing a profit & loss or balance sheet influenced by ForEx fluctuations, it enables risk managers to navigate the interconnected worlds of financial management and economics.

Lars Oxelheim

+46 (0)8 665 4527
+46 (0)70 861 9361