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Digital Transformation and Public Services: Societal Impacts in Sweden and Beyond

Telemedicine and the Welfare State: The Swedish Experience

Book Chapter
Blix, Mårten and Johanna Jeansson (2019). “Telemedicine and the Welfare State: The Swedish Experience”. In Anthony Larsson and Robin Teigland (Eds.), Digital Transformation and Public Services: Societal Impacts in Sweden and Beyond (15–32). New York: Routledge.

Mårten Blix, Johanna Jeansson

Anthony Larsson, Robin Teigland

Health care in Sweden finds itself at a crossroads as regards digitalization. In this chapter, we will focus on one issue in particular that is causing consternation among primary care physicians: the rapid increase in popularity of telemedicine. Via smartphone apps, patients can at the press of a button make video calls directly with doctors, rather than having to wait days, or weeks, for a nonemergency meeting with a doctor at a physical care center. Apart from reducing waiting times, this development brings a host of other benefits for patients, such as removing the inconvenience of travel and lessening the risk of contagion at care centers (Mohr et al., 2018).