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Industrial and Corporate Change

Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Economic Dynamism: Lessons from a Comparison of the United States and Sweden

Journal Article
Braunerhjelm, Pontus and Magnus Henrekson (2013). “Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Economic Dynamism: Lessons from a Comparison of the United States and Sweden”. Industrial and Corporate Change 22(1), 107–130.

Pontus Braunerhjelm, Magnus Henrekson

The purpose of the research endeavor published in this Special Section is to further our understanding of the extent, character, and orientation of entrepreneurial activity in today’s wealthy countries. This is done by means of several detailed studies of institutions of particular importance for entrepreneurship and innovation-based firm growth, and its impact on the economy. All coauthors are renowned specialists in the area with deep knowledge of the pertinent institutions in Sweden and the United States, the two countries compared.