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Journal of Population Economics

Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination in Europe: Homosexuality and Physical Appearance

Journal Article
Patacchini, Eleonora, Giuseppe Ragusa and Yves Zenou (2015). “Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination in Europe: Homosexuality and Physical Appearance”. Journal of Population Economics 28(4), 1045–1073.

Eleonora Patacchini, Giuseppe Ragusa, Yves Zenou

We study labor-market discrimination of individuals with “specific” characteristics in Italy. We conduct a field experiment in two Italian cities: Rome and Milan, by sending “fake” CVs to real ads. We find that there is a strong penalty for homosexuals, i.e., about 30 % less chance to be called back compared to a heterosexual male and even more so if they are highly skilled. On the other hand, we find no penalty for homosexual females. We also find a beauty premium for females only but this premium is much lower when the “pretty” woman is skilled.