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Mölle -- a Swedish version of Davos

20 May 2014

For the 16th time The Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics (SNEE) is arranging a four-day research conference in Mölle, Skåne, on May 20 to 23. The initiator and driving force of this endeavor is Professor Lars Oxelheim, IFN and Lund University. The conference that opened with a speech by the Minister for Financial Markets Peter Norman, is by many described as a Nordic mini- Davos meeting. A number of researchers from IFN is presenting studies and/or are commenting on other researchers work.

One of the international speakers at the conference is Professor Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, former deputy head of the Japanese central bank. The theme of his speech is "Lessons for Europe from the experience of Abenomics".

The overall purpose of the conference is to look into the current state of Swedish European studies in the economic field. A number of researchers from IFN are featuring essays and/or being commentators. The IFN researchers are: Roger Svensson, Fredrik Sjöholm (affiliate), Karin Edmark, Magnus Henrekson, Tino Sanandaji, Åsa Hansson, Martin Ljunge, Thomas Tangerås, Matilda Orth and Florin Maican (affiliate).