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Jens Josephson


Jens Josephson is a Professor of Financial Economics at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, and an Affiliated Researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics. He is also an Economic Expert at the Patent and Market Court and the Stockholm Administrative Court of Appeal.

Jens has an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and has previously been an Assistant Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Stockholm University. 

Affiliated Researcher

Jens Josephson

Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University
+46 (0)8 16 13 54
Research interests: Corporate finance, Game theory, Industrial organization, Investment banking

Among the questions that Jens Josephson tries to answer with his research:

  • How should bankruptcy law be designed to facilitate efficient reconstruction of firms in distress?
  • Should socially responsible investors influence less sustainable firms by exit or voice?
  • Are so called "zombie firms" a problem in Sweden?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Working Papers
Popular Science