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Malin Gardberg


Malin Gardberg completed her Ph.D. studies at Tinbergen Institute and Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2018. Her research focuses on empirical macroeconomics. She is in particular interested in automation and digitization, labor markets, international macrofinance, consumption and financial markets.

IFN Researcher

Malin Gardberg

Research interests: Consumption, Digitalization, Financial development, International investments, Labor economics, Macro economics, Technological change

Some of the questions Malin tries to answer in her research:

  • How has the digitization-based automation affected the Swedish labor market?
  • How do different types of net foreign assets, such as portfolio debt and equity assets, affect the country’s exchange rate?
  • Can the observation that developing countries share less consumption risks internationally be explained by lower financial integration and financial inclusion?
  • How has financial integration affected the consumption-to-wealth relationship?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
Other Publications