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Matilda Orth


Matilda Orth has a Ph.D. in economics from University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2012). In her research, she addresses topics related to industry dynamics and determinants of market structure such as productivity, strategic product positioning, entry and exit. Next to research, Matilda Orth is teaching at the Stockholm School of Economics.

IFN Researcher

Matilda Orth

+46 (0)8 665 4531
+46 (0)736 42 38 24
Research interests: Competition policy, Consumption, Digitalization, Industrial economics, Market regulations, Retail, Service strategy and design, Technological change

Among the questions that Matilda Orth tries to answer with her research:

  • What is the role of entry regulations for product variety, profitability and productivity?
  • How do regional investment policies affect firm dynamics and market structure?
  • What are the consequences of deregulation of the pharmacy market for consumers and firms?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
IFN Newsletter