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Pär Holmberg

Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow

Pär Holmberg is Associate Professor in Economics and has a Ph.D. in Electric Power Engineering. Both degrees are from Uppsala University (dissertations in 2000 and 2005). He is a Senior Research Fellow of IFN and an associate of Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG), University of Cambridge, and Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD), Stanford University. Pär used to be an Economic expert in Stockholm Administrative Court of Appeal and a research fellow at Uppsala University. He dealt with corporate taxation at the Ministry of Finance and worked as a research engineer at ABB Corporate Research.

IFN Researcher

Pär Holmberg

+46 (0)8 665 4559
+46 (0)72 511 6866
Research interests: Auctions, Electricity markets, Energy, Game theory

Among the questions that Pär Holmberg tries to answer with his research:

  • What is the bidding behavior of producers in wholesale electricity markets?
  • How is bidding affected by market rules, regulations, information, producer's switching costs and congestion in the electricity grid?
  • How are investments influenced by market rules?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
Popular Science
Policy Papers (discontinued)
IFN Newsletter