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Andreas Bergh

Associate Professor

Andreas Bergh is s a researcher at IFN and associate professor at the department of economics at Lund University. Previous affiliations include the Ratio institute, CesIfo and CBRSS at Harvard University. His research includes welfare state economics, institutional economics and development economics.

IFN Researcher

Andreas Bergh

Research interests: Behavioral economics, Corruption, Economic growth, Education, Globalization, Institutional economics, Political economy, Public economics, Social norms, Trade policy, Welfare state

Among the questions that Andreas Bergh tries to answer with his research:

  • What explains variation in welfare state size? How does the welfare state affect economic outcomes?
  • Geographic aspects of inequality and polarization
  • How are people in developing countries affected by economic and social globalization?
  • What explains the rise of populism in Europe?
  • What explains corruption problems in Swedish municipalities?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
Popular Science
Other Publications
Policy Papers (discontinued)