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Per Skedinger

Associate Professor

Per Skedinger received his Ph.D. in Economics from Uppsala University and is adjunct professor at Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics, in Växjö. He was previously employed at the Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF) and a member of the Swedish Labour Policy Council (AER). He is a former editor of the journal Ekonomisk Debatt and a former member of the expert group on minimum wages in the EU set up by the ILO and the EU Commission. During 2019-2020 he served as an expert in the government Inquiry on the Employment Protection Act.

IFN Researcher

Per Skedinger

+46 (0)8 665 4553
+46 (0)70 486 0389
Research interests: Entrepreneurship, Health economics, Integration, Labor economics, Minimum wages

Among the questions that Per Skedinger tries to answer with his research:”

  • What are the effects from collectively agreed minimum wages on employment and wage dynamics among marginal groups, such as young people and refugee immigrants?
  • What are the effects of employment protection legislation on employment, worker mobility and wages?
  • How are employers’ hiring of refugee immigrants affected by previous work experience and proficiency in the language of the host country?
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
Popular Science
Policy Papers (discontinued)
IFN Newsletter