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Journal of the European Economic Association

Delinquent Networks

Ballester, Coralio, Antoni Calvó-Armengol och Yves Zenou (2010). ”Delinquent Networks”. Journal of the European Economic Association 8(1), 34–61.

Coralio Ballester, Antoni Calvó-Armengol, Yves Zenou

Delinquents are embedded in a network of relationships. Each delinquent decides in a noncooperative way how much delinquency effort he will exert. We characterize the Nash equilibrium and derive an optimal enforcement policy, called the key-player policy. We then extend our characterization of optimal single player network removal to optimal group removal, the key group. We also characterize and derive a policy that targets links rather than players. Finally, we endogenize the network connecting delinquents by allowing players to join the labor market instead of committing delinquent offenses. The key-player policy turns out to be much more complex because it depends on wages and on the structure of the network.