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Economic Journal

Intergenerational Wealth Mobility and the Role of Inheritance: Evidence from Multiple Generations

Adermon, Adrian, Mikael Lindahl och Daniel Waldenström (2018). ”Intergenerational Wealth Mobility and the Role of Inheritance: Evidence from Multiple Generations”. Economic Journal 128(612), F482–F513.

Adrian Adermon, Mikael Lindahl, Daniel Waldenström

This study estimates intergenerational wealth correlations across up to four generations and examines the degree to which the wealth association between parents and children can be explained by inheritances. Using a Swedish data set with newly hand‐collected data on wealth and bequests, we find parent‐child rank correlations of 0.3–0.4 and grandparent–grandchild rank correlations of 0.1–0.2. Bequests and gifts appear to be central in this process, accounting for at least half of the parent–child wealth correlation while earnings and education can account for only a quarter.

Daniel Waldenström

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