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Working Paper No. 535

What Are the Gains from Pension Reform?

Working Paper
Lindbeck, Assar och Mats Persson (2000). ”What Are the Gains from Pension Reform?”. IFN Working Paper nr 535. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.

Assar Lindbeck, Mats Persson

This paper presents a unified analytical framework for the analysis of social security reform. It discusses reform along two dimensions: Pay-As-You-Go versus fully funded on the one hand, and actuarial versus non-actuarial on the other. Making the system more actuarial entails a trade-off between less distorted work incentives and intra-generational redistribution. Increasing the degree of funding entails a trade-off between more distorted work incentives, and redistribution in favor of future generations. If a PAYGO system already has strong actuarial elements, the additional welfare gain from making it fully funded derives from the possibility of portfolio diversification.