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Working Paper No. 613

Trapped, Delayed and Handicapped

Working Paper
Sjögren, Anna och Susanna Sällström (2004). ”Trapped, Delayed and Handicapped”. IFN Working Paper nr 613. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.

Anna Sjögren, Susanna Sällström

The dynamics of self-confidence are modelled in an environment where rational individuals optimally choose educations and occupations with the aim to acquire productive skills while learning about ability. It is shown how the presence of uninformative options can trap individuals below their potential. Furthermore, the trade-off between probability of success and value of skills may induce uncertain individuals to acquire less productive skills on their way to ability intensive occupations. The value of information also induces uncertain individuals to delay their labor market entry. The model can explain differences in perseverance in the face of failure.