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European Financial Management

Measuring Macroeconomic Exposure: The Case of Volvo Cars

Oxelheim, Lars och Clas G. Wihlborg (1995). ”Measuring Macroeconomic Exposure: The Case of Volvo Cars”. European Financial Management 1(3), 241–263.

Lars Oxelheim, Clas G. Wihlborg

Volvo Cars' economic exposure to exchange rates and other macroeconomic variables is estimated using quarterly cash flows as the firm's target variable. We discuss first several issues relating to management's view of the macroeconomic environment, as well as the firm's objective and structure. These issues must be addressed before multiple regression analysis can be implemented with the purpose of estimating exposures. the use of cash flow exposure coefficients for evaluating exposure and choosing currency denomination of liabilities is illustrated, and an out‐of‐sample analysis of the estimated exposure coefficients is carried out.

Lars Oxelheim

+46 (0)8 665 4527
+46 (0)70 861 9361