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Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

Indirect Estimation of Semiparametric Binary Choice Models

Westerlund, Joakim och Per Hjertstrand (2014). ”Indirect Estimation of Semiparametric Binary Choice Models”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 76(2), 298–314.

Joakim Westerlund, Per Hjertstrand

One of the most cited studies within the field of binary choice models is that of Klein and Spady (1993), in which the authors propose a semiparametric estimator for use when the distribution of the error term is unknown. However, although theoretically appealing, the estimator has been found to be difficult to implement, and therefore not very attractive from an applied point of view. The current study offers an indirect inference-based solution to this problem. The new estimator is not only simple with good small-sample properties, but also consistent and asymptotically normal.